Tuesday 9 June 2020

Tool to reduce stress

Not being organized could lead to procrastination and rumination. Not able to do things as planned can create a lot of stress. Why not reduce your stress by being organized. A diary can help you plan your day and complete the tasks. So instead of ruminating or procrastinating, you will be doing the activities and hence reduce stress.

Click on the item to purchase the diary, as shown below. 

I hope you find it useful.

Boxclever Press Life Book Academic Diary 2020-2021

Several types of research have a view that exercise can improve our mood and overall wellbeing.
Why not try these two machines to shape your body and make you feel competent and confident and improve your overall wellbeing.

Click on the link on the item to purchase.

Many thanks

H&S Ab Abdominal Exercise Roller With Extra Thick Knee Pad Mat

5-in-1 AB Wheel Roller Kit

Thursday 4 June 2020

Morning Routines

I came across this article and found it very uplifting. I hope you also find it helpful. I am grateful that I found this article. Enjoy it🥰


His Miracle Morning routine uses the acronym SAVERS to help you remember it. It stands for:
  • S – Silence. (Meditation, prayer, deep breathing, a gratitude practice, etc.)
  • A – Affirmations (Positive statements that reaffirm the things you want to feel, do, achieve, or be as though you already are/have/feel/are doing those things in present tense. More on that in a bit.)
  • V – Visualization (Taking the affirmations a step further and visualizing them in as much detail as possible. This can include a vision board, written descriptions, mental visualization, etc.)
  • E – Exercise (Moving your body in some way–yoga, stretches, running, HIIT workouts, walking, etc.)
  • R – Reading (Something uplifting. Could be a fun novel, self-improvement books, business books, scripture or sacred texts, etc.)
  • S – Scribing (Writing in some way – journaling, gratitude practice, writing a book, writing thank you cards/emails, writing down intentions, etc.)
The whole routine doesn’t have to be done in order (you can mix and match however you like). It also doesn’t have to take long (He even outlines a 6 minute version!). Whether I have 6 minutes or 60 minutes, I’ve found it’s a great way for me to start the day on a positive, uplifting note. I LOVE it.

Please share with us your morning routine. We would love to hear from you,

Monday 25 May 2020

Loving your self

Recently life has been tough, and sometimes when things seem harsh, there is a tendency of forgetting to take care of ourselves.   People find that when we start taking care of our needs, for example, loving ourselves, we start feeling better ourselves and the people around us.

So why not start by:
1. Doing the thing that makes you laugh
2. Treat yourself or surprise yourself
3. celebrate little achievements
4. treat your spirit and soul, for example, go out for a walk and enjoy the nature
5. leave according to your values
6. having "me time" and do whatever make you feel good.

Louise Haye is one of the personal development gurus who know very well about what "loving yourself" means. Please take a few minutes and enjoy watching the video. I am sure this will make your day.

Saturday 15 February 2020

Self Improvement: Motivation Article Category

Self Improvement: Motivation Article Category

The Power of Hardwork
Never believe in luck, but in hard work. Hard work is the ability of an individual to work more hours than the average person. Most successful people admit that they work up to 16 hours a day. In other words, their success is owed to diligence.
5 Ways to Improve Your Motivation to Exercise
Most of us dread exercise. Life happens. We get carried away and find it hard to meet our fitness goals. This article shares strategies for you to utilise in order to find the motivation to exercise and meet your fitness goals.
Life - Just Like a Game of Ludo
Did I hear you say "Life is dicey"? Living life is like casting dice in a game of Ludo. A die has different faces but you only need one face to start your game; a six (6). Once you start, you can no longer predict the faces you display when you throw; maybe 1,2,3,4 or 5. You just play with whatever you have whether it moves your token to the finish square safely or it drags along, whether it takes you far or slows you down.
To Improve The Quality Of Your Life, Focus On Getting Better
Do you want to improve your life? Are you committed to changing your conditions? Many people will answer yes to these questions, though it is my experience very few people are dedicated to improve their life.
When Your World Comes Crashing Down
Sometimes life hits us between the eyes and delivers an unexpected turn of events. The shock and resultant impact can make us question why it's happened. Have we been bad, is it karma, do we deserve this? The answer is often a resounding 'no'. It is what it is, nothing more or less than that. But, nonetheless, we have to deal with it and recover.
Perfection Secret of Buff Skeletons
In 1982, scientists pulled a shipwreck from the sea and swarmed the ancient "body guards" onboard. But these were no ordinary body guards.
What to Do When Overwhelmed by Your Reality?
At times, life feels like an overwhelming affair. There's too much to do, too much to think, too much to worry about. What can we do to fight that feeling?
Interview With an International Keynote Speaker, Trainer and Influence 100 Authority
This is the transcript to an interview with an International Keynote Speaker, Author, Trainer and Influence 100 Authority. It covers the story behind his success.
Dr. Romance on How to Stretch Time
Dr. Romance writes: Would you like to stretch time - to make the time you have to go farther, and use it more for what you really want to do? Stretching time is not difficult if you have the prerequisites: self-awareness, a sense of purpose, thoughtful action, and a playful approach.
Optimism and Thoughtlessness Are Not Synonyms
Optimism is a concept that exists in every culture in the world, a word used by almost every human being, in spite of which, no two people understand it the same way. True optimism is deeply rooted on resourcefulness and hope and can't be experienced without a solid element of common sense and logic.
How To Be Determined and Accomplish Anything
Being competitive and number one has its perks. So, I challenge you to be number one. And if you're not competitive it's okay. It's about being better. Could you do this for yourself?
How to Work With Demotivation (When You Just Don't Want To... )
We all face situations in life we don't like. There are always those projects or tasks that just have to be done that we'd rather not do. There are always going to be times when we have to work with demotivation. Part of maturity and taking responsibility for our lives is doing the things that need to be done, and doing them well whether or not we're in the mood. Here are some strategies you can use that may help you to deal with those kinds of activities you'd rather not have to
Stop Wishing For A Better Life And Embrace The One You Have Now
Let's be truthfully honest: Are you happy with your life or do you wish things were different? For example, how would a life coach evaluate it? Would they make adjustments here and there or give you their sign of approval? Sometimes we allow our negative emotions to get in the way of what life is trying to tell us.
When Your Present Life Isn't Working
What can you do when you believe, that your present life isn't working properly for you-or that it isn't working at all? This may be a tough question, but it's an important one. Symptoms that suggest you're not satisfied with your present life include agonizing over your past, feeling sorry for yourself, complaining that "you didn't do this or that," and repeating your old failures.
Hit A Wall
Is it a bad day? Or is it bad thinking?
Shift Your Perspective
How do you see yourself? As a hero or a victim? In any given life circumstance, you can see yourself either way.
More Than Fluff
Although self-improvement is always good, the market for it is flooded now with so many authors and speakers who have become wealthy by saying words to make you feel good but amount to a bunch of fluff, with no real content. Be prepared for hard work and a few bumps along the way.
Don't Punish Yourself When You Make Mistakes. Notice What You've Chosen And Simply Choose Again
Think about a recent mistake and consider how things could have turned out differently for you. Whilst hindsight is a wonderful faculty, it can often make us feel guilty and remorseful for our actions. I want to reassure you that every choice we make is made with the awareness and level of consciousness available to us at the time.
I Am His Inheritance
But it does not stop there. He chose to make us His inheritance, this is how much value we have to Him; He calls us His glorious inheritance, and He sees riches and triumph and delight in having us come one day and live in His presence so that He can enjoy us. WOW, that is mind Boggling, I get dizzy just thinking about it.
Unlock Your Life's Purpose With These Motivation Tips
Does it seem like it takes a lot of motivation to just take that first step of starting a new project, article or business venture? Are you unsure or confused as to what God's will or purpose is in your life?

While many people set concrete goals like losing weight, saving money or traveling as part of their New Year's resolutions, I would like to invite you to consider renewing your spirit instead this year. The noble practice of tending to your inner spiritual light and cultivating a sense of peace in your heart may not seem so inviting, but the payoffs are tremendous!
How to Defeat the Grasshopper and Elephant Mentality in the Workplace and in Life?
You know, we can learn a valuable lesson from the grasshopper, the elephant and the way people think. Here's why. If you want to keep a grasshopper for a pet, then all you need to do is to trap that grasshopper in a jar with a lid over it.
The Goals You Set Are Not Promises But Commitments Towards Achievement
There are no assurances of accomplishing our goals since they're not promises but a commitment towards achieving them. How does this idea appeal to you? You may well achieve your goals, however if you're unaware of your motives, it will have little bearing on your long-term happiness.
How To Restore Passion For Your Life
Looking for motivation? You can restore passion for your life! You can start voicing your inner dreams and passions. Here's how to face down your fears and treat your dreams like tender threads of gold to weave a passionate life for yourself.
Never Give Up Because If You Do What Is Easy, Your Life Will Be Hard
Do you want to live an easy life or a difficult one? I know, it's a worthless question because who wants to live a life filled with pain and suffering? Yet, this is what many people choose every day, whether they are conscious of it or not.
To Prepare Yourself For A Better Tomorrow, Do All You Can To Be Your Best Today
Do you realise your best is yet to come? How do you feel when you read that statement? Do you think: "My best is behind me"? But what if you don't know what you're capable of unless you continue to move forward towards your goals and dreams? Let me give you an example. When Michael Jordan failed to makehttps://ezinearticles.com/?cat=Self-Improvement:Motivation&page=11 his high school basketball team, do you think his career was over?
Don't Go Through Life Quitting. Anything Substantial Requires Seeing It Through To The End
Quitting is easy though we rarely achieve anything when we abandon our goals. Knowing that, take a moment to reflect on something you're contemplating giving up on right now. It may be career-related, health or otherwise. Why do you want to give up? Is it the only way? Have you considered other options?
Why The Credit Always Belongs To The Man In The Arena Who Dares Greatly
Sadly, critics are everywhere these days and hide behind their uncertainties wishing they were in the limelight. They are not only people but the inner critic within us. Sometimes, the critic appears masquerading as a family member, a loved one or a close friend. A snarky remark here and there leaves you bewildered as to their intended message. Can you identify with this narrative of the unassuming critic?
Why The Obstacle Before You Is Never Bigger Than Your Power To Overcome It
The reason you fear obstacles is that you doubt your ability to overcome them. Obstacles are seldom the problem, it is our lack of power to conquer them that gets in the way. For example, have you faced a difficult situation in the past and worried you would not make it through? Recall the circumstances and how you felt as best you can. Now fast forward months from when it occurred and call to mind the same situation from a renewed perspective. Can you see how insignificant it seems from your current outlook? That is, we feel incapable of overcoming challenges instead of believing we will be ok. Perhaps it's the element of surprise or the fear we are powerless to face the problem that scares us most.
The Wall Of Frustration For One Person Is The Perseverance Factor For Another
Scientifically, perseverance is everything. Talent is a reality, but it does not count as much as perseverance or persistence.
Boredom and Impatience Are Trying to Tell You Something
What if boredom, restlessness, and impatience arise when you are ready to make changes, especially inner changes that ask you to step beyond your current comfort zones? In this article, you'll learn a two-fold strategy to use moments of boredom, restlessness, and impatience to let go of limiting beliefs that hold you back, so you can step into new possibilities.
Here Are The Advantages of Reading Motivational Quotes
You are probably thinking- 'how can a few words change the way my life is?' Before you already make a judgement, read this.
A Stroke Struck and Changed My Family Forever
The dynamics of my close knit family changed forever more when the monster called a "Stroke" reared its ugly head and dealt a fatal blow on my mother. It was an eye opener for her and the family as we saw firsthand the power of independence.
Why Motivational Counselling Has Become Quite Important to Reinforce the Desire to Change Oneself
The issue of motivating someone is a technique that is especially helpful for encouraging the young generation nowadays to adjust themselves to the stages of behavioural change, failures as well as make personal choices in life. It is a kind of client-based therapy that works fast usually in one or two sessions for people who have suffered abuses or problems of addiction, and the therapists offer advice for a healthier life by exploring and resolving one's insecurities as well as motivating them in a new light.
5 Things That Can Change Your Life
There is no magic wand in this world of harsh reality which can completely transform your life. There are small bits and pieces that one individual has to do in order make this life to be worthy and satisfactory.
Rewriting Your Life Story
Know how to rewrite your life story in times where stress puts the mind in fight or flight mode. Learn the better ways to do self stress counselling and thoughts to improve approach towards a situation.
What's Stopping You From Writing?
If you have been putting it off, delaying it or just outright avoiding it, it's time that you changed all that. Every author has to begin somewhere. Have you wondered where to begin? Or have you wondered if you should even begin writing at all? Just how important is writing, anyway? You might be surprised at this. Writing is ultra-important. And to find out this truth, you just need to look around. And then, just begin.
Visionary Thinking: Deciding to Thrive, Survive, or Nose-Dive
People that thrive in life generally have a wholesome driving vision. Surviving is where many end up because of the energy required to do life and mediocrity is the default. The nose-diving vision is one of a negative outlook without much hope for improvement. Hard work, focus, and even suffering is required to maximize time in the sweet spot of a thriving vision. Each person has to decide where to live the majority of a visionary life - nose-diving, surviving, or thriving.
Living a Precious Life
Learn how to overcome boredom and over working and live a more satisfying life. Through developing a renewed sense of purpose, feeling passionate and adding playfulness into your life you can regain the preciousness of each moment.
How to Be Motivated to Do Those Tough Tasks
Ever procrastinated? Of course you have, but how can you overcome procrastination? You must become motivated to do those tough tasks. Learn how to do just that in this article.